MANSORY offers a refinement programme, which will put your Porsche Panamera 971 on the pedestal for outperforming all the other luxury sports cars. Starting with perfectly-fitting aerodynamic carbon fibre components and a comprehensive range of refinements to the car interior and finished off with striking alloy wheels and mighty power. We are looking forward to your practically limitless customization requests, everything can be done exactly to your own taste.
MANSORY 提供改进计划,让您的保时捷 Panamera 971 超越所有其他豪华跑车。从完美贴合的空气动力学碳纤维部件和对汽车内饰的全面改进开始,到引人注目的合金轮毂和强大的动力。我们期待您几乎无限的定制要求,一切都可以完全按照您的喜好完成。